Wednesday, February 19, 2025
17 C
St Kilda

Fed Gov announces Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill


Media Release: Climate Media Centre
Followed by The Living Venue

Australia’s renewable energy sector has been given a rare boost today, with the Morrison Government introducing two bills that could see the introduction of offshore wind projects in national waters for the first time.

Energy Minister, Angus Taylor introduced the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill and the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill (regulatory levies) in parliament today.

The following spokespeople are available to comment on the announcement, how off-shore wind legislation has been years in the making, and how the national offshore wind regulatory framework would see the expansion of renewable energy projects in Australia.

Former coal miners who support renewable energy:

Tony Wolfe, plant operator at Loy Yang coal power station and community advisory board member for the Star of the South offshore wind farm. He can talk about the need for investment in renewable energy and a just transition for energy workers working in the coal industry.

Chris Barfoot, former coal miner lives in Morwell, Latrobe Valley in Gippsland. Chris worked as a coal miner/ station operator before transition to work in renewable energy. He can talk about the need to diversify energy sources and help workers transition to renewable energy jobs. He is a strong advocate for more government support of renewable energy projects.

Renewable Energy experts:

Tony Goodfellow, Re-Alliance Victorian community organiser. Tony is based in Ballarat, Victoria and can discuss wind power in Victoria, jobs and investment in regions as well as renewable energy benefits.

Dr Madeline Taylor, Climate Council spokesperson and energy expert. Dr Taylo rcan discuss the opportunity offshore wind presents for Australia’s energy system as well as jobs and economic opportunities for regional communities across the country.

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