The St Kilda Foreshore Alcohol Ban starts today as the City of Port Phillip prepares for a safe and successful summer.
Alcohol is banned along the St Kilda Foreshore from 1 November-31 March. Beach and foreshore reserves (including Catani Gardens) from Langridge Street to Thackeray Street are included in the ban.
Alcohol restrictions on the St Kilda Foreshore now include all sealed and unopened containers.
Visitors and residents can still enjoy drinking responsibly on foreshore areas outside St Kilda, between 12 pm and 8 pm, except when bans apply across the City on key public holiday periods.
Mayor Louise Crawford said the Play Your Part summer management campaign and the annual alcohol ban have both helped deliver safe and clean summers for residents and the many visitors drawn to the iconic St Kilda Foreshore.
“We’re expecting our beautiful parks and beaches will be even more popular this year as people enjoy once again being able to meet and have fun in our City,” Cr Crawford said.
“This means we all need to play our part to achieve a COVIDSafe summer as well preventing litter from travelling into the Bay and harming vulnerable marine life.”
Council will again play its part by providing extra beach cleans and bin collections and glass and camping bans will be enforced during regular Local Laws officer patrols at beaches, parks, reserves and streets.
Victoria Police is responsible for enforcing COVID-19 restrictions and the St Kilda Foreshore
Alcohol Ban, which carries a $200 fine.
There will be a total alcohol ban in all public places in Port Phillip including beaches, parks and streets on Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. The Australia Day municipal-wide alcohol ban is from 8 pm on 25 January until 12 pm on 27 January.
A 24-hour ban on alcohol on all Port Phillip streets and footpaths already exists. Glass is never allowed on beaches and foreshore parks and reserves.
Image: St Kilda Foreshore Alcohol Ban Map