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We need you and Mother Earth needs you this Sunday


Mick Pacholli
Mick Pachollihttps://tagg.com.au
Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his father's publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry.        

We need you and Mother Earth needs you this Sunday 🌏 🌱

Please join us and other Victorians to get out into your ‘hood’ to pick up and log the litter you find to keep our beaches, parks and streets clean of plastic litter 🚮

With the easing of restrictions in some areas, rally the kids, household, family or friends to get out this Sunday for a COVID-safe walk or picnic to collect and log the litter in your local neighbourhood.

Please participate safely and within State Government COVID lockdown regulations.

Join Facebook Event

Activity details

  • Date: Sunday 26th September

  • Time: 1 hour between the hours of 9am-12pm
We will be streaming community cleans across the state from 10am with Zero Waste Victoria! Listen in and join in on the fun.

Activity information  

  1. Please participate within COVID State Government regulations in your area.
  2. Download the Litter Stopper app (v3.9)  AndroidApple.
  3. Gather your bags, COVID safety gear, personal protective equipment, and anything else you’ll need, and head out into your neighbourhood for 1 hour. Paying attention to what you pick up so you can record the litter under bottles, cans, coffee cups/lids, PPE items and butts.
  4. Log the plastic litter in the app using select ‘Full Audit clean’. Add counts of other litter items you wish recorded.
  5. Share your photos on the event Facebook page or on Instagram and Facebook with hashtags:

#springcleanyourpatch21 #plasticlitter

The data will be directly loaded to the state government’s new database for them to track the type of litter and litter locations 🚮 ✅

We hope you can get involved!

Spring Clean Your Patch team

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