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3-for-2 Offer Extended! 2022 National Indigenous STOP Domestic Violence & Healing Conferences, 12th First Nations Men’s Black & Proud Conference & 12th National First Nations Women’s Wellbeing Conference | December 14-16, 2022 at Hilton Hotel Cairns Q


Mick Pacholli
Mick Pachollihttps://tagg.com.au
Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his father's publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry.        

ICS Australia announces its international and national First Nations keynote speakers

2022 National Indigenous STOP Domestic Violence & Healing Conference

2022 National First Nations Women’s Wellbeing Conference

2022 National First Nations Men’s Black & Proud Conference

December 14-16, 2022 at Hilton Hotel Cairns QLD

Register online at this link: https://indigenoushealth.webs.com/dv-healing

Indigenous Conference Services (ICS) welcomes an exciting new era for Indigenous conferences with the revitalisation of our well-established conferences following the pandemic and with the launch of all our new conferences in Cairns, the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef! Within few weeks of publishing the events, we’ve received abstract submissions from all states and territories in Australia wherein more than 60 % of the submitted papers are from community-based grassroots organisations.

Furthermore, ICS also partnered with internationally-based Indigenous Development Specialists (NZ/USA) and Queensland-based Kultchafi with both organisations facilitating the revitalisation of post-conference masterclasses. Hence, the overwhelming responses of the Call for Papers and call for sponsors clearly indicated the interests of organisations and individuals to improve First Nations peoples’ well-being throughout Australia. This year’s conference features international First Nations guest speakers to include Dr Amber Logan –  Maori Health Psychologist from New Zealand, Dr Joseph Stone – Blackfeet Clinical Psychologist from the USA and Isabelle Aube – First Nations Certified Psychological Health and Safety Advisor, Author and Coach from Canada.

On the national front, our featured First Nations Australian guest speakers include Hon. Senator Lidia Thorpe Australian Greens; Uncle Ara Harathunian – Managing Director at Kultchafi; Hon Cynthia Lui, Member of Parliament;  Michael Liddle, an Alyawarre man, and strong advocate of mental health and wellbeing of Indigenous men in Northern Territory; Nina Kolder, Program Manager Codes 4 Life Desert Knowledge Australia; Elliejean Singh and Linnea Burdon-Smith from Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service in Victoria; Maria Lovison, NO MORE Team Leader CatholicCare NT; Emma Milliss, Indigenous Programs Manager at eSafety Women in NSW; James Briggs, Family Violence Accountability Officer of Central Queensland Indigenous Development; Hayley Longbottom – Health and Wellbeing Manager and Aboriginal Health Practitioner and Cleonie Wellington, Program Manager at Waminda South Coast Women’s Health & Welfare Aboriginal Corporation; Eleanor Connop at Katherine Womens Information & Legal Service, Toni L. Smith, Sydney Local Health District, Shiree Talbot at Barnardos Australia; Leesa Watego at Iscariot Media, Bernard Sabadi of Kunjur First Nations Mens Collective; Mark Trebley, NSW Ambulance and Troy Williamson from Coroners Court of Victoria amongst many others.

It is so pleasing to see both government and non-government sectors participating in choosing the agenda for after all, these conferences are about sharing of information on successful Indigenous programs existing and being implemented all over Australia and encouraging interagency networking either at a local, state and national levels.

We encourage anyone interested in attending the conference to register early as numbers are filling fast. We’ve structured the registration in such a way that will save organisation’s money while at the same time providing a great forum for frank and open discussion. 

To register or for further details about this year’s conferences, please visit the main conference website: www.icsconferences.org or email us at adminics@iinet.net.au

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