Wednesday, January 22, 2025
17.1 C
St Kilda

Table service resumes for our Thursday night meal at Christ Church Mission’s Community Centre, St Kilda


Mick Pacholli
Mick Pachollihttps://tagg.com.au
Mick created TAGG - The Alternative Gig Guide in 1979 with Helmut Katterl, the world's first real Street Magazine. He had been involved with his father's publishing business, Toorak Times and associated publications since 1972.  Mick was also involved in Melbourne's music scene for a number of years opening venues, discovering and managing bands and providing information and support for the industry.        

The ski season is rejoicing and so are we because, for the first time since March 2020, we have reopened our dining room.  The Open House Meal was always intended to be a social meal, a place of welcome, comfort and enjoyment as well as providing a nourishing, healthy meal to local community members who may, for many reasons, otherwise go without.

Over the past 27 months, we have provided take away meals but finally we’re back to sitting down to share a 3 course, free meal.  Our regular and new diners were very happy.
Could you help us financially to handle the demand on Open House and our other programs?  The link for your end of financial year tax deductible donations  is in the next line.

Click Here to make a donation (perhaps even monthly donations)

And we’ve changed the day

We consulted with the diners and our volunteers before changing the day from Wednesday, as there are less meals available on Thursdays.  The change to indoor dining is timely as winter is when people need the service most.

We are very grateful to see the return of some of our volunteers who have been waiting in the wings for the call out for their help –  as well as those who have remained constant and supported the program throughout the COVID era.
The heaters are on, the lights are on and people are ‘home’ again.The buzz is back in the room!

New Staff Member

We wish to give a warm welcome to our new staff member, Martin Prest.  Martin began volunteering with us in April 2019.

Martin has been a reliable, friendly and helpful volunteer and when a position was advertised Martin put forward a convincing application for the role of Emergency Support and the Open House program assistant.

Winter Bites

We are encouraging our readers to support our winter food appeal.  As food prices increase and utility bills keep rolling in, we are seeing people approach the Centre on a daily basis seeking our help.    We are touched by the kindness of others and realise we live in a very supportive community.

You can assist us by donating non perishable items directly to the Centre at 14 Acland St, St Kilda during business hours on Monday to Friday.  Items that are very helpful include

  • Long Life Milk
  • Canned protein such as, Meat, Tuna, Legumes
  • Breakfast cereals

If getting here is challenging, tax deductible financial contributions are welcome and can be made by clicking on “Click Here” above or by depositing directly into our account.  Please mention ‘donation’ in the description.

Our account details are –

Name: Christ Church Mission inc.
BSB: 013427
Account: 350144127

Please remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with our weekly activities.

With our thanks.

From all of us, stay cosy this winter.
Read our latest Annual Report, with a full list of our supporters, by clicking here 
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